• 141 Cheetham Hill road M8 8LY
  • 0800 - 037 - 1608
  • 9.00 AM-6.00PM

School Cleaning Service

CMT Group ltd Services

We give the best Services

School Cleaning Service

Educational facilities need to provide a safe, clean and healthy environment for people to learn. Whether it’s an elementary school or a university, students should be able to focus on the subject matter at hand and should never be at risk of picking up germs or bacteria. CMT Group ltd systematic approach to cleaning educational facilities helps protect the health of your students and your staff. From daily cleaning to high-level disinfecting, we offer all levels of service to fit your needs and budget. We’ll also help you stay compliant with all regulations and standards.

Our educational facility cleaning experts are backed by over six decades of experience and understand the unique requirements of these environments. With overnight and weekend cleaning availability, we’ll be sure to deliver a safe and healthy facility without ever disrupting your students and teachers.

Service Overview


Young children can easily spread germs, which is why their environments need to be routinely cleaned and disinfected to protect them and others. Ensure daycare centers and preschools are clean, sanitized, and disinfected with comprehensive cleaning services from CMT Group ltd. From classrooms, bathrooms, staff breakrooms, hallways, and more, our preschool and daycare cleaning experts can clean it all.


A clean and safe school can help to minimize student and teacher sick days, resulting in a better learning experience for everyone. Keep your school clean and healthy with professional school cleaning services from CMT Group ltd. Let teachers and students stay focused on learning and leave the cleaning to us.

Service Quality

Improve the learning environment for students, professors, and staff with immaculately cleaned and disinfected buildings and facilities. Our university cleaning specialists have the experience and expertise to efficiently clean frequently used areas like classrooms, science labs, offices and more.

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